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Roof Tear Off Cost and What it Involves

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By Golden Coast Roofing

Get to know our team at Golden Coast Roofing before you look for a residential roofing company in Sherman Oaks or start your next roofing project!

A roof replacement is one of the more costly renovations that is done by a roofing company. A roof replacement needs to be done when roof repair is no longer capable of keeping the integrity of the roof in place. When doing a roof replacement, the first step in the process is to do a roof tear off. 


Here we discuss the roof tear off cost, the factors that contribute to it, and how it is done. Whether it is commercial roof tiling or residential shingle removal, the roof tear off needs to be done. We also consider whether it is necessary. In the end, the reader will get a comprehensive picture of what a roof tear off is. 


What is a Roof Tear Off? 

Replacing a roof requires that the old one must be torn off. To achieve this an LA roofer sends a team to remove the shingles, tiles, or metal roof covering to expose the decking to which they are attached. It sounds messy and it is too. Clearly, it is a task for a competent roofing company. The roofing materials are loosened, stacked, removed, and loaded into an awaiting dumpster. 

Once done, the roof is laid bare to decking level, ready for the new roof to be laid. In some instances, the new roof could be laid on the old without the tear off process, saving the roof tear off cost. The circumstances and benefits will be discussed further on. 

Roof Tear Off Process: Protection and Precautions 

The roof tear off of a home can be done in a day, while a commercial roof would take longer to remove as commercial tile roofing normally covers larger areas. The labor cost calculation depends on the time taken to do the tear off. This will be a significant factor in determining the roof tear off cost. 


The roofing contractor takes responsibility for protecting the owner’s property when doing a roof tear off. The dumpster will rest on a tarp draped over the surrounding garden or pool area, covering the ground beneath it. This makes the final clear up easier and serves to limit any damage that may occur. 

To protect the property further and save debris from falling off the roof, the roofing contractor team will proceed in an orderly top-down fashion, starting at the roof apex. Removed tiling materials must be prevented from sliding off the roof by not piling them high. Roofers will wear appropriate boots and gloves and observe safety protocols on the roof when commencing roof replacement. 


Tools Needed for a Roof Tear Off. 

A select set of tools used by a roofing company are easy to use for a roof tear off. 

  • Shovel

A shovel or fork which can jam under each tile that needs removing is recommended. Both should have teeth to insert under shingles or tiles in residential and commercial tile roofing applications. 

  • Claw hammer 

Ideally the tear off should leave the roof free of protruding nails once the top tile layer has been removed. An LA roofer will never be without one tucked into the belt, to either knock in or remove leftover nails. 

  • Pry bar 

Simple to use, a pry bar is necessary for roof work, and in tear off work it is versatile, loosening shingles, removing nails, and acting as a lever to wrench off any other stubborn bit of roofing.

  • Dump trailer 

Cleanup and removal are made easy if a container like a dump trailer or dumpster can be conveniently positioned next to the building for roofing company staff to deposit the tear off debris. 


Factors Influencing Roof Tear Off Cost. 


As an integral part of the preparation for roof replacement, the roof tear off cost comprises part of the overall expense paid to the roofing company doing the job. Because of the larger expanse of a commercial tile roof, a commercial roofer’s fee may be higher as the roof tear off will take longer.


It is also advisable to get a LA roofer who is nearby, thereby saving on transport costs. A LA roofer will also be familiar with local legal requirements. 


The roof tear off cost is determined according to the complexity of the task. Working around many protrusions and the pitch in the case of a sloping roof will add to the cost when compared to a flat roof. The cost of disposal of the old roofing materials is also a factor. 


Is a Roof Tear Off Mandatory when Undertaking a Roof Replacement?

Commonly termed a nail over re-roof, laying a roof replacement over an existing roof, saves money on the roof tear off cost, but is not advised. An existing roof that has been recommended for roof replacement means that the existing roof may not be sound enough to accept a nail over successfully. 

Also, a nail over is only feasible where there are not many penetrations and minimal flashing. It may prove a false economy trying to save the roof off cost. Follow the advice of the LA roofer who is likely to insist on a roof tear off when doing a roof replacement so that a guarantee can be given on the work. 

An Important Piece of Advice 

Getting the roof prepared for a roof replacement requires a perfect working surface to lay the new roof. This is why it is recommended to get the best roofing company in LA to do so. 

Questions & Answers

Are some roof coverings more difficult to do a roof tear off?

No because a roof tear off is not a complicated process, and a roofing contractor will be equipped with the correct tools for the different types of roofing materials. 

Can a roof tear off be done DIY, or is it better to use a professional roofing company?

You are unlikely to be saving on roof tear off costs if it’s done DIY, as the tools, transport, and disposal of the roof materials are still needed. Rather, hire a good LA roofer, it will work out cheaper as the roof tear off is part of the roof replacement process.

Will my business be affected by stoppages when a commercial tile roofing tear off takes place?

The roofing company is sure to conduct the roof tear off in such a way that business will not be interrupted. 

Are there any specific ways a roof tear off is done?

An LA roofer will work systematically top down and across the roof, ensuring roofing materials removed in the process of roof tear off are loaded into an awaiting dumpster, doing so with minimal spillage and damage to the surrounds. 

How can I tell if a roof tear off has been done correctly?

Once completed correctly the roof should display a clean underlayment, free of tiles with no protruding nails. 

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